‘Me Before You’-Jojo Moyes


About the book
Author’s Name Jojo Moyes
Picture of the Author  
ISBN 978-0-718-15783-8
Price [INR] 399/-
Pages 481
Main Plot Louisa Clark, simple small town girl, gets employed at Traynors’, as a care giver (carer) for their Quadriplegic son, Will. Louisa and Will’s life take a different turn, their relationship gives a different meaning to the individuals they are in such a manner that at a point nothing matters to them other than each other. Are they in love? Do they take vows to live for each other forever? How does this carer role merge with a partner’s role? Is it even possible for a Quad to live a normal, wedded life love life again? What does Will want? What does Louisa want? Are they looking for the same things from life, once they’ve met each other? What does Louisa’s 7 years’ old boyfriend, Patrick, has to say about them?
No. of Characters 2
Tone of writing  Heart touching, simple yet polished.
Book Review

>A girl of average desires or no desire at all meets a boy with so much life inside him which is not visible to others on the outer.

>The girl has nothing major to do in life other than worrying about balancing the earning of her family against the expenses of them all. The girl belongs to a close knit family, full house and a set of parents who are caring and giving. A sister that is sharp and honest to the core in giving her feedback about her and the strongest supporter the girl has.

>The boy is bounded by situation, willing to end his life, not willing to accept that his ‘that’ life is no more in his hands and that he has something to look forward to live, like that! The boy’s family is filthy rich, wanting to save him but not knowing how to. The boy is in despair, totally drenched in self pitying his life and is full of sarcasm.

>In short, hope meets despair! That’s what I would call the beginning of this book and this meeting of hope with despair results in two new persons, emerging as confident of what they want from their lives and they support each other, even after death does them part!

>It is a story of this girl and this boy; Of wanting to make something out of life and completely destroying one’s life for its uselessness. The story is about thinking beyond your own self, thinking for others’ life and helping them achieve what they want to.

>A completely normal living human creature can also waste his/her own life in doing nothing and not knowing its’ own possibilities and potential and a completely non functional human creature can show you the way to your dreams and also make them happen in real for you!

>How contradictory am I sounding here? But that is the beauty of this novel. Moyes has given it a direction by which you would know what I mean above. Sometimes, having a normal life doesn’t excite us but if someone has a differently able life we tend to plan his/her future in a way that it looks all rosy and nice!

>I don’t know how well could I get the message out of Moyes’ story, but I think it tells you to look for possibilities in life, every life has a meaning, every human being has to give something to someone, it could be courage, love, patience, money, direction, hugs and companionship! This giving is important, everyone of us has a meaning to our lives, a motive to lend something to someone that will make his/her life better.

>I liked the novel, it shows you through two lives which are poles apart and how the poles come together to make a different world altogether!

>Although the other reviews say you would need box of Kleenex while reading it, I didn’t need any, not that the story didn’t reach me, it did but I guess I’m stronger than others 😉 *just saying*

>Jokes apart, I think this novel brought a smile on my face, gave me a food for thought, which I’ve written above and maybe that’s why I wasn’t teary eyed at the end of it!

>Moyes has written lot of other books, this one was my first pick. Would love to explore more of her writings.


‘My Lawfully Wedded Husband’-Madhulika Liddle

This review is a part of the Book Reviews Program at  BlogAdda.com.

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About the book


 Madhulika Liddle

Picture of the Author




Price [INR]




Main Plot

The book is a collection of 12 short stories. ‘My lawfully Wedded Husband’ being one of the titles.

No. of Characters


Tone of writing

Simple & Easy.
My take on the book

Do I recommend the book?

Not Really. Actually it depends to whom I have to recommend the book to. If it is someone who has recently started reading, I might as well give my nod to the book.


> It is a book which turned out to be simple, straight and light.

> Stories have twists which surprises the reader at some places, but most of the times it is average.

> A one time, to-be-read-while on journey type of a book.

> This book doesn’t throw its weight around; it is an easy read with not much hullabaloo in it.

> A total desi book and that is something which will connect the Indian readers to it.

> One can relate to the characters carved in the stories, well mostly, like Veera’s character where in his mother keeps telling him to be polite and succumbing all the time OR that of a girl  from ‘A tale of a summer vacation’ who visits her grandmother.

> If you have read other serious books or the books you would like to tag as serious writing, like not in literal terms as dark fiction or something, but in a way serious writing, you would feel this one doesn’t suit your category.

> Honestly, I was expecting a little more from what the book is yielding.

> This book is really good for starters, the new readers who have just stepped in the world of reading or the ones who don’t know where to start reading from.

> This book will also be a help when any reader is not sure which book to pick up next.

> Read it with no expectations and maybe you’ll love it.

> I’m not saying that this book is not good but I certainly don’t ‘recommend’ it per say. If you are a multiple / short story lover, then this is a perfect read for you. If you are long story lover and want some substantial reading to be done, this book would prove a wrong choice.

> This book is from the author who wrote The Muzaffar Jang Series. I’ve not yet read this series but have heard about it and by the name of it also, the series sounds intriguing.

> If you have read and liked TMJ series, you might as well like this book of Madhulika.

> All in all an ‘okay’ category book about which I would not rave but then it is my own view. You must take a look at the book before you make an opinion about it, really!

>No book is good or bad, only the suitability of the reader differs. For this one, I’m not the suitable reader, I must say that J

Read-o-Meter 2012

I had listed these books for reading this year, eventually could only read 13!

I want to thanks to BlogAdda for adding to my reading list, I got few very nice books from via their Book Review Program and I’m looking forward to receive more 🙂

So 2013 dawns upon me with new reading challenge. I don’t know if challenge is the right word to it or maybe challenge is the word I should use because that keeps me on track in terms of reading, given the way I’m pressed for time these days, I can only wish I could read at least 5 books this new year, sigh!!!!

Any way, but this year I’m not making any list of books. I’ll just set a target of 15 books and read them! Hoping to reach to the number by the end of 2013!

What’s up with you?How was your 2012 in terms of reading?

‘Ransom’-Book Review

About the book
Author  Danielle Steel
Picture of the Author  
ISBN  978-0552149938
Price [INR]  299.00
Pages  428
Main Plot As the title suggests the main plot is kidnapping.
Lead characters 3
Tone of writing In Circles
My take on the book
Do I recommend  No
Reasons being >It’s a very predictable book.

>Like I said that the tone of writing is ‘in circles’ by which I mean a lot of rounding has been done while writing the novel as well as you start feeling that ‘okay I understood the point, can we move on?’. It is longish and looks like it will never end!

>The story has nothing intriguing to hold on to.>I was very disappointed since I personally like her work for example ‘Lightning’ or ‘The Promise’ et al. But this book let me down.

On the other hand >It is Danielle Steel’s novel, if that means something to you.